Two cases in point:
- I was in La Jolla, California this summer. We went to La Jolla cove to spend a few hours at the beach. The beach in Southern California is always crowded, but this was exceptionally crowded. I dropped off my car load of people to go enjoy the beach and then stayed in the car to circle the parking lot looking for a spot. Oh, I have a lot to say about parking etiquette, but that can be a later post. So anyway, I circled for at least 30 minutes and finally got a lined up with a possible space. So I stop in the lane and put on my blinker and wait. I can see two cars side by side both loading. No one can pass me because there is a motor home sticking out so far that people can't get passed. So I sit and wait. The line behind me backs up enough that I can count 10 cars and see that it goes around the corner at the beginning of the line. The two groups loading their cars stop to talk to each other. They end up talking for 14 minutes. Seriously. Eventually, a car beyond them packs up and starts to back up. I decide to take that spot and start driving. I pass these people and roll down my window and ask if they're leaving, they're like "yeah, man, you got this spot, how lucky are you?" I tell them it's a little late now and there's another site opening up and they're like "Oh, you're giving up a good spot." I got out of my car and had time to take a picture of them still talking to each other, with the whole line of traffic still waiting for a spot. I don't get it. They could see the line of traffic as easily as I could. I don't expect people to hurry getting in their car when they see someone waiting for their spot (though I do), but come on. 14 minutes to have a conversation with a stranger! The selfishness and rudeness and narcissism and obliviousness truly continue to astound me.
- This weekend, we camped in Yosemite National Park for my birthday. It was a truly great weekend. However, there was this campsite that was entertaining and shocking, to say the least. So on Saturday, we were sitting around having lunch. A humongous 5th wheel trailer pulls up to park in the spot across the road from us. There were already 3 vehicles and two tents there. This thing had to be 35-40 feet long. No joke. So we thought this would be entertaining. It was. They pull up and after about an hour, manage to get this thing parked diagonally across the site, then push out the 5 pop out sections (that have to fit between the trees) and roll out the carpet. Oh yeah, the jet ski trailer is parked in front of the 5th wheel (there are no jet skis allowed anywhere in Yosemite). So finally we see the people come out of the 5th wheel. It's a young couple with one young child (Brody, of course). They were fine most of the night, other than having a member of their group put up a tent literally touching a tent of the stranger in the site next to them. We had to eventually ask them to turn off their front porch flood light (that was aimed at us and not them on the other side of the trailer where they were sitting by their fire), but they were very nice about it. The only other thing we saw was the mom sweeping the outdoor carpet every time someone walked across it. Oh, later they had to work on the popcorn machine in the outdoor kitchen because apparently it was acting up. So in the quiet hours after 10:00 pm, the noise settles down and we go to sleep. We awake at 7:15 to what sounds like chainsaws. I'm serious. It took me a minute to jump out of my cot and figure out what it was. It wasn't chainsaws, it was their two generators. I'm not exaggerating though when I say it sounded like chainsaws. I fly out of the tent to stare at them. People all over start to stumble out of their tents to figure out what's going on. Literally everyone in the surrounding 20 sites is now standing and staring at this spectacle. It's so loud, I can't talk to my husband standing next to me. We have to shout. They can hear this, they know how loud it is, that's why they have it chained to a tree facing away from them and towards everyone else. They can see everyone that they've disturbed, and yet, they don't stop. I'm thinking they better have someone in that trailer that is on life support and that will die if they don't keep the power going. Nope. After 90 minutes of this, they turn it off and we hear them talking and saying that the wife needed hot water for her shower and her coffee. No joke.